Monday, June 23, 2008

1st Day Thoughts

So after class, I, along with the other students, marched hastily with concern hoping the book was in stock and at a relatively moderate price. Usually when I walk around campus I am always in a hurry with my head in a swivel to avoid all of the obstructions that are student bikers. However, this day was different. I did not have to worry about crossing intersections, dodging people like a running back eluding the defense, and I could walk wherever I pleased. Walking past the MU, I was able to take in how scenic the quad is. The trees, squirrels, and luscious grass really make the quad. I never really noticed this because there was always something happening in the quad that took my mind off the scenery. There was no people to meet, events, blood drives, rush info, etc. to distract me. So, as I was enjoying the stroll through the MU, my mood changed abruptly as I arrived at the bookstore. To me, I hated going to the bookstore because it throws a huge blow to my wallet. However, my experience today was pleasant. I was one of the first ones there, and the book only took me 1 minute to find. I paid and was happy to find the price of $26. I could've used that money for gas as I commute, but I'll take it in stride and consider this a win for me. Needless to say, I am looking forward to this class. A change from the social norms of essay writing in college classes is something I look forward to in experiencing and excelling at.

1 comment:

Christopher Schaberg said...

I like your renewed vision of the quad—you are exactly right, it *is* a pretty space. The other day when I was walking through (it was on Sunday, so *really* empty), I noticed a big tree I had never noticed in five years. Maybe your blog theme can involve seeing things in common landscapes that have previously gone unseen. You are good at this, and it comes through your writing.